Welcome to your Essential Guide for Writing a Letter of Intent for Families with Special Needs.

This guide provides you essential tips for crafting a Letter of Intent.

Perfect for families navigating the complexities of planning for a special needs future.

Transform Uncertainty into Confidence Today!

Disclaimer: This guide is a crucial resource for Parents, Caregivers, and Advocates in the special needs community. If you're not directly involved in these areas, this guide may not align with your needs.

A Letter of Intent should provide information around these key areas...

Comprehensive Care Overview

Outlines daily routines, medical care, education, and employment specifics tailored to the child's unique needs, ensuring continuity of care.

Financial and Legal Preparedness

Details financial resources, special needs trusts, insurance, and government benefits to secure the child's financial future.

Personal Wishes and Goals

Documents the child's likes, dislikes, social preferences, and long-term aspirations, alongside instructions for upholding these in the future.

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